Sunday, December 20, 2009

New friends, now enemies

The guys organising the British Red Cross runners have set up a mail list so that we can communicate with each other, and share stories of blisters and training tips. There are, reassuringly, a few other first timers out there, plus one or two serious runners, including one guy aiming for an impressive 3 hours. The one thing they all have in common, though, is cold weather training. I am lucky enough to be acclimatising myself for April in London by training through Cape Town's summer. Today was probably about the same in Centigrade here as it was in the UK in Fahrenheit. I wonder if my fellow team members appreciate being informed of my heat concerns? Probably not.

Up the mountain today - 10km of beautiful running through the forest. I needed a 60 minute run according to The Plan, and stopped the watch at 1:00:01. How's that for accuracy?
297km so far since I started on 15th Oct.

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